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- A radical proposal to keep your personal data safe | Richard Stallman | Opinion | The Guardian
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- El Salto – Un estudio sugiere que la utopía se jode a partir de 150 personas – Edición General
- China starts work on world’s first ‘super highway’ that can charge electric cars as they drive
- El cooperativisme, element comú a les economies transformadores | Cooperatives
- Britain sees the Commonwealth as its trading empire. It is sadly deluded | Ian Jack | Opinion | The Guardian
- España se une al proyecto francoalemán de industria 4.0 | EXPANSION
- RSS Readers Are Due for a Comeback: Feedly, The Old Reader, Inoreader | WIRED
- Brain hacking, freezing time & weaponized insects: Meet US military’s dystopian plans
- To solve America’s housing crisis, build public housing – Boing Boing